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Coaching Packages

Coaching packages tailored to fit your goals and your budget.

personal training

Personal Training

Take the guesswork out of the gym.

Whether you're a seasoned lifter or just starting your fitness journey, our in-person sessions cater to all levels of experience. Enjoy a supportive and motivating environment that challenges you to achieve the results you desire.


60 minute in-person sessions offered in Saint Pete, Fl. In-person sessions include all of your programming, which is accessed through the app. In-person sessions range from $55-$70 depending on client's time commitment.



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Online Coaching

Training that fits your schedule.

Experience the full support and expert programming of a coach, all delivered conveniently through our customized app. With this user-friendly tool, you'll have me right at your fingertips, guiding and tailoring your fitness journey to your specific needs. Whether you're seeking personal training, nutrition guidance, or workout plans, the app ensures you're always connected and on track to achieve your goals. Don't let distance stop you.


Online coaching packages $120/ every 4 weeks

Competitive Powerlifting

Hit PRs on the platform injury free

Comprehensive competitive powerlifting prep offered in 8, 12 or 16 weeks depending on athlete's experience and timeline. Whether you prefer the convenience of remote coaching or the hands-on-approach of in-person sessions, athletes have the option with us. Our tailored prep includes peak programming, personalized mobility drills along the way to prevent injury and a coach to guide & push your numbers on meet day.Contact for a consultation, where we'll discuss all the details and prices to customize a plan thats perfect for you.

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